Saturday, February 12, 2011


I need to thank some people who made this trip and experience possible...

Thank you to Rising International--the 501c3 non-profit organization that sponsored me to come here. It is based in Santa Cruz and is truly doing amazing things. This company promotes ownership of craft-based businesses by women in both impoverished areas of developed nations as well as in developing nations. Their focus is primarily on women in high risk environments such as those in refugee camps, those living with HIV/AIDS, homeless women, displaced immigrants, former slaves, or those in war-torn regions of the world. Please see the website for Rising International:

Also, they have frequent craft sales where one can purchase the works of art that are created by the hands of these women... the money you spend will go to a very good cause. See the 'events calendar' on the website to find out when the next craft sale is. You can also purchase crafts online! It's a great way to help out the world and at the same time find some beautiful, handmade crafts for your home or office. The crafts also make great gifts. So please, check out the website and see for yourself!    

Being backed by this company allowed me to get further sponsored by Adobe and get three cheap versions of Photoshop. I donated one Photoshop copy to an NGO in Windhoek, Namibia called SFH (The Society for Family Health--website: I also gave a lesson here.

The other two copies were donated to SEDYEL (South East District Youth Empowerment League) in Ramotswa. This is where Yarrow and I put in the majority of our time and efforts. I gave a two-week-long Photoshop demo here. SEDYEL is part of the Kicking AIDS Out movement. This organization promotes teaching AIDS awareness through soccer. It has proved to be very effective so far. Have a look, their website is:

A special thanks to Adobe and David Kuspa for supporting.


I also want to thank those of you who donated to our cause from the facebook page...!/pages/Kicking-AIDS-Out/150077271713178

It’s so energizing to see that there are people out there who still care to make the world a better place—even if the work is happening hundreds of miles away. Maybe you can’t directly see the change happening, but I can promise you, it is… gradually. Every bit counts. I feel so lucky to part of the Santa Cruz Community… we’re one big family and we’ve got a good thing going. THANK YOU FRIENDS for helping. We were able to purchase one camera and some office supplies for the center. Now the people at SEDYEL will be able to create their own social media to promote AIDS awareness AND they will be able to generate income with the work they are doing. SO much love coming from this end… so much love. Thanks again…


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