Friday, December 24, 2010


I just had the most overcoming epiphany: I want to change the world. Too many people have this thought and throw it away because it is ‘impossible’ or somebody else’s job. To these people I say, “dream big, kids” because it’s that exact mindset, call it ‘social loafing’, that is the downfall of our society. It is the phenomenon of people making less effort to achieve a goal because they assume that somebody else should be responsible for it. Well, shit, who’s going to do it then?
We are all caught up in our own lives that sometimes it is hard to see the big picture: humanity is fucked if we keep moving at the rate we are. I know, I know we’ve heard the facts all too many times—over and over. It becomes too overwhelming to deal with… it is so devastating that we push it aside. It’s like that massive cell phone bill you must pay, but it’s so overwhelming that you simply leave it, unpaid, on the table… Or that homework assignment that you continue to procrastinate… only, in this case, it’s on a much larger scale. It’s so easy to put these lingering burdens on the backburner and continue living daily life, but sooner or later they come around to bite you in the ass. Ultimately, the problems in the world are going to do the same.
What problems do I speak of? Well, global warming, war, poverty, economic collapse, genocide, homicide, world hunger, bad healthcare, water shortage, pollution, lack of education, species extinction, depletion of the world’s resources, for god sakes the list goes on and on. It’s too much to think about for most people, we’ve got our own problems… Until it affects our daily life, there will be no change—until we are unable to buy fresh vegetables from the grocery store because floods have destroyed the crops, until we can’t drive ourselves to work because the world’s oil has been depleted, until we can’t get home for Christmas because the airports are closed due to treacherous snow storms, until there is no longer water running from the tap, until we’re starving to death—but I truly believe, that by the time this all occurs, it will be too late. I don’t mean to be speaking grimly… but it’s really something to think about and it’s reality.
I’m not requesting that everyone change their lifestyle completely, but I’m simply suggesting that people could be conscious about this. We must find in each of us, our own way to change the world. It could be on a local level— e.g. working within a community…banking locally or buying fair trade products… Really, there are so many ways to make change indirectly—through art, through small everyday decisions, through provocative, awareness-promoting conversation. There is also the option of going global—e.g. traveling directly to the source of a problem and helping out a specific cause.    
Let’s make change a priority. There are so many ways to help—let’s get proactive. Just a few people can’t take everything on… we need everybody to make the decision to help.  Yes, it’s cliché…go ahead and call me an idealistic hippy, but I don’t give a shit. I really think this is true. Of course, I don’t realistically think that I can singlehandedly find the answer to all of humanity’s problems, but I do believe that together, by recognizing and accepting this mindset, we are at least one step closer to doing so. 

Like I said before, I want to change the world. So, who’s with me?

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