Thursday, October 14, 2010

Step into the Unknown

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about my up and coming travel plans. I’ve come to the conclusion that this trip is my rite of passage: it’s my personal, ritual journey that I hope will push me to grow, discover more about myself and find my purpose on this planet.

I truly believe that in this cultural melting pot of a world it is so important to seek out and adventure to new places. For some, this could mean simply taking a different route home from work. For others, it means venturing to a distant continent and becoming acquainted with an unfamiliar culture.

What I’m really trying to express is that it is crucial for us, as humans, to immerse ourselves in uncomfortable situations. To step outside of our routine or comfort-zone is one of the most valuable things that we can practice.    

Many religions require their followers to carry out a sacred voyage within their lifetimes such as a walkabout for Australian Aboriginals or the Hajj in Islamic religion.

(In case you didn’t know, the Walkabout is a rite of passage during which male Australian Aboriginals undergo a long journey during adolescence. They proceed to live in the wilderness alone for up to six months. They trace the paths, or ‘songlines’, that their ancestors followed in order to better understand their own people and themselves)

(The Hajj is a pilgrimage to the holy ground of Mecca that almost all Muslims complete. It is a demonstration of their solidarity as well their submission to God.)
Photo by Brandon Burgdorf

Since I am neither religious nor sure of what I want to do with my immediate future, this trip becomes my spiritual adventure, my rite of passage. I have no idea how I plan to find what I’m looking for… I also have no idea what I’m looking for; I have no expectations… I guess I’ll just have to wait and see what I discover.   

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