During the week, I’m supernanny. On the weekends I’m a professional chiller/juice barista extraordinaire! I met a man in my bikram yoga class named Jay who just so happens to own a fantastic
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juice bar called Jay’s Juices. So, after Jay and I chatted a few times after yoga, he mentioned that he might need a barista on Sundays, which was perfect for me. I offered to leave my number, to which he bluntly replied, “I don’t need your number, come in for training on Saturday.” Now, you might be wondering how I can work in Holland without speaking Dutch… Well, luckily this juice bar is in a touristy part of town and all the tourists speak English. The other patrons speak Dutch, but are fluent in my mother tongue. I’m still attempting to learn this difficult language, but it’s proving to be harder than I thought. I speak a bit of three-year-old Dutch with Stijn—I’ve got to know the basics:
‘thank you’-‘dankjewel’
‘wait for me!”-“wacht op mij!”
‘do you want a sandwich with peanutbutter?”-‘will je een boterham met pindakaas?‘
‘clean up’-‘op ruim’
…But that is about it.
Jay’s Juices is a small, yet vibrant and exotic establishment. Located on the noisy, bustling Harlemmer Street, this shop is like a calming retreat amidst the chaos—it stands out like a sore thumb amongst the various tourist and coffee shops. In the window, you’ll always find copious amounts of diverse and colorful fruits as well as green sprouts of fresh wheatgrass. Even on the rainiest days, the summery tunes of Bob Marley and Buena Vista Social Club can be heard, drifting out the front door and into the busy atmosphere outside.
Jay is quite a character—he is a lineal descendant of an Indian tribe called the Arawak. He was born in Aruba, but has lived in Amsterdam for about thirty years. When he came here, his wild nature made all the boring jobs he tried impossible for him. Soon after arrival, he got involved in crime, drugs, and alcohol. He walked this path for more than twenty years.
At his lowest ebb, weighing almost 300 pounds and completely addicted to drugs, Jay received a vision. His deceased grandmother appeared, brought him to her world and showed him a white feather. In the days that followed he went looking for that white feather—after three days of almost going crazy and non-stop searching, he found it. It came from a big white rooster. Standing eye to eye with this rooster, he saw, as in a mirror, his infinite inner power. From that moment on his life transformed.
After kicking the habit and detoxing with juices, he decided to make the juices his lifework. In the year 2000 he opened Jay’s Juices. Since then, many people have been inspired in an inimitable way by this fanatical and eccentric Indian. So, this is my boss. He has come so far and changed for the better since his hard days. Now, he has filled his soul with love. He lives by the power of the green heart—his personal, spiritual totem that he has created. He drinks wheatgrass shots and does bikram yoga everyday. He’s very unpredictable and will often surprise customers and myself with a sporadic hand massage followed by a mantric chanting session. Then with a huge smile on his face, he’ll ask, “How was your journey?” and then continue on with his business.
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Working here, I’ve met so many friendly, honest and amazing people. About half of the customers are regulars here and come in almost every day to get a healthy serving of fresh fruits, vegetables and wheatgrass. The rest are tourists, with whom I love having lively conversations about traveling and life. I also love experimenting with all the healthy ingredients we have in shop—I whip up the craziest of juices. As most who know me can attest to, I don’t like using recipes… So I’ll experiment with chili peppers, avocado, garlic and all sorts of wild ingredients.
Another reason I love going to work is because of my co-worker Nikki. She is twenty-four, Dutch-American and a world traveler. She has travelled by herself to Sierra Leone, Argentina, Germany, Canada and more… She’s kind natured, accepting of everyone, a great cook and she loves to dance. This girl is a big inspiration to me.
So, I guess that’s more than you bargained for… But, this is a day in my life these days. Life is not too complicated right now. I feel a healthy balance—I have time for hobbies and time for myself. I enjoy my work. I am surrounded by love. Everything is new and exciting. Time is flying.