Monday, September 27, 2010

And So it Goes...

CURRENT TRAVEL PLANS: California, USA - Amsterdam, Netherlands - Cape Town, South Africa - Windoek, Namibia - Gaberone, Botswana - (Somewhere, Australia) - (Raglan, New Zealand)

Since I was a child my life has been a vortex of plans, school and schematic patterns. I find myself walking in circles around my hometown. I've lived in Santa Cruz, California for twenty-two years (my whole life)… I can’t say that it has been a negative thing—just unchanging and almost detrimentally comfortable. 

I just graduated college. Ahead lies a blind spot in my life. I can only see where I intend to be in ten years. I can’t see what’s in between—I can’t visualize what is about to ensue. 

Yesterday I was immersed in a perfect moment. Caught between day and night, the sun hung low on the horizon. Its light was subdued, melding together comforting shades of yellow and orange. Engulfed in this instant, I compared it to my own circumstance—here I am, caught between a college graduate and an employee with a full time job, between a girl and a woman, and between being tied down and a free traveling spirit. Suddenly, I felt a wave of contentment—I realized I must accept this period of transition. It is beautiful; suspended in time, just like the sun on the brink of setting beneath the horizon.

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