Thailand was all about the good times. Rock climbing, meeting the most amazing people, dancing, eating the most delicious food on the planet and the list goes on. I spent most of my days with my brother from another mother, Tommy Parker, which made it all the more wonderful.
Now I'm in New Zealand, preparing for my last adventure before I head home in July. I stopped through Australia on the way over (for three days), said hello to my friend Ross, saw Cat Empire play, adjusted to the cold weather (kinda...), met some more wonderful people and then headed out early this morning for Kiwi Land. Today, I'm taking a bus from Auckland to Opua where I will hop aboard a sailing vessel: Yacht Chiquita. She's 50 feet and apparently beautiful, though I haven't seen her in 'real life' yet. I'll be working aboard for two months--cooking, manning the sails, taking photos, staying up to do watches etc... etc... My crew consists of the Captain, Ding, an older man with heaps of sailing experience, and Marie, a young French girl, looking for adventure just like me! We'll just be gypsying around Fiji, Samoa, The Austral Islands and honestly wherever the wind shall blow us. Ding sails without a set destination--if the winds in our favor then we go for it. A nice way to live life if you ask me... Then, finally I'll be returning home in late July to good ol' Santa Cruz. So, here I go again into the great wide open! The journey continues! Over and out.